Saturday, April 23, 2011

Touring the Bond ( ShangHai) with Mom and Dad

Year 2008-09



说点我家三人的家常。老妈嘛,按照我家马老者(我对我爸的昵称),95%的时候可以用三个词语概括 - 嘻嘻哈哈, 马马虎虎, 糊里糊涂。但是我家老妈偶尔冒出一两句颇具哲理的批语,常常把我惊得一呆一呆的。

我妈:“我看你, 又要忙工作,又要做好吃的,还要把你的房子打扫干净,辛苦啊。”
难得我妈今天这么理解我, 我感动呀。马上说:"妈,你也很勤劳嘛。”
还没等我张口向我妈倾诉倾诉, 我妈继续:“不过呢,你这样身体上虽累一点,但心不累呀。身体累点没关系,不劳心就行。“

我妈马上反驳:" 怎么是你爸的功劳?我才是家里勤劳的那一位。再说了,女儿是我生的,能让你爸沾个光就不错了。“
我赶紧弥补错误,争取把损失降低到最低点:"对, 对。。我爸没有功劳,功劳都是你的。”

According to my dad, at least 95% of the time mom is funny, happy, a great-companion but a little bit clueless. Occasionally, my mom does pull some suede comments out from no where, which often surprises both my dad and me a great deal.
Here is our conversation over the phone today.
Mom:” Hey, all those cakes and western food you made these days look pretty nice. Do they actually taste good?”
Me (always ready to brag):” Of course, they do. They are both tasty and highly presentable.”
Mom (with a sigh):” You are a pretty hard-working girl.”
Me (surprised. wow, how come my mom appreciates me this much today?!):”Yeah, I made cake yesterday. Today, I am going to make some traditional Chinese food for Chris to try. When I get home, I am also going to tidy up the panty.”
Mom:” Hmm…you must feel pretty busy everyday. You need to work, cook and clean the house.”
Me (continue to feel surprised…):” Mom, you are very busy everyday too.”
Mom:” But, I don’t have the wacky habits you do. I don’t think I can deal with your rules of flat sheets, no mix-matching tea-cups and coffee-mugs. Don’t you think your habits may tire you out unnecessarily?”
Me (about to explain to her my thoughts):”….”
Mom:” You know what, if you don’t stick with your wacky stuff, you might feel more tired. It’s OK to feel tied physically, better than feeling tired mentally.”
Me (deal God, my mom can be wise sometimes!)

Girlfriends Reunion in Hainan I

Year 2006-12




Girlfriends Reunion in SanYa Hainan II

Year 2006-12



八卦一下。LAURA去年接了两单广告代言 - GUCCI太阳眼镜和雀巢咖啡。


GuiYang Street Eats

Year 2006-12

Guiyang, my hometown, is a medium-size city in the mountainous southwest of China. She offers one of the most genuinely pretty, unpretentious sceneries I have seen, filled with the most kind-hearted and down-to-earth people I have known, and the most delicious and unique local food I have had.

Guiyang is a rather small city compared to Beijing and New York, but much more approachable and friendly. Some streets would welcome you with the tasty street food on both sides and tempt you with the smell from many yards away. Here is the mean-looking dude who is making the BBQ lamb on the street.


Although the urban part of the city has big grocery stores, such as Walmart, people still go to the farmer’s market on the street in the suburban part of the city. Besides the vegetables freshly cut from the field 3 or 4 hours ago and the meat just butchered in the morning, the street also offers one of the unique street eats in Guiyang - BBQ spicy tofu (on the right). It is numbingly spicy and good!

贵阳名小吃 - 恋爱豆腐果。说实在的,现在好吃的东西太多,也不觉得这个有多好吃了。吃吃算是对往事的回忆罢了。

After snacking on breakfast in the street, my father and I decided to go visit my old high school area. My father is a excellent photographer, and I am a great model. But, we are not good at working with each other. Father wants to teach the daughter how to pose; and the daughter wants to teach the father how to position the subject. Here you go…

Here is end result, when we finally reached consensus.

A couple of more.

We were a little tired after walking so much. Mom, Dad and I retired to a local coffee house. While the Chinese skill at making cocktails in China still needs improvement, they have definitely mastered the technique of making coffee — especially, fancy coffee.

For dinner, my uncles took us to a local “spicy chicken house.” It is not the regular spicy chicken available in those Americanized Chinese restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area. It’s THE spicy chicken house. First of all, you can pick the chicken to eat first. Second, you can pretend to make your own BBQ chicken if you wish. Third, the spicy chicken is sooooooo good that you won’t be able to stop eating until all your lips, fingers, nose and head are all numb.

The whole family

The spicy, mouth-watering and delicious chicken and spicy tofu. EVERYTHING is spicy. That’s the uniqueness of GuiZhou local food.


成都武候伺 ChengDu Wu Hou Memorial Temple

Year 2006-12

Wu Hou Memorial Temple was was build in the honor of Zhu GeLiang, the famous military and political strategist of the Shu State in the Three Kongdoms period (221 - 589). The name of temple comes from the fact, that Zhu GeLiang,was conferred with the title of WuXiang Hou - the duke of QuXiang). The temple was first build in the sixth century. It was adjacent to the ZhaoYi Temple, the memorial temple of Liu Bei, emperor of the Shu Han state. In early Ming Dynasty both temples were integrated into one.

WuHou Si is a nice quite place with a lot of trees and flowers. In the beautiful garden you find a teahouse and a show of bonsai-trees.

Zhu GeLiang great personality, his dedicated service to others, and his outstanding intelligence place him above all emperors, generals, and ministers in history. A visit to the temple illuminates his status with the Chinese people. Yes, and when you learn Chinese at any university in China you’ll read some of the legends, which have developed around this famous person.The stone statue on the right is the famous black-face-ZhangFei. He is brave, courageous, warm-blooded and not as political as the other two brothers, my most favorite among the three.

留得残荷听雨声。It’s tranquil with beautiful gardens, lakes and buildings from Chinese traditional architecture. I have always liked this line from Hong Lou Meng.

At time of our visit, there was a show for natural stones in the Memorial. The one on the right is quite expensive, in $10,000 range.

Outside of the temple, there are a few small streets with shops on both sides, selling mostly traditional Chinese goodies. Interesting even to us Chinese people.